Lords Mobile Wiki

The Gargantua is a normal Monster which spawns for two consecutive days in the course of one Monster cycle. It will remain on the Kingdom Map for 2 hours and 55 minutes, or until it is killed. When these monsters are killed, a new monster of the same type will spawn nearby.

The Gargantua is also a Familiar which offers a variety of skills and effects to benefit the player.

Monster Manual[]

Damage Type: Physical

Strong Against: High PDEF

Weak Against: Gargantua's skill can deal massive damage to its target and the Heroes nearby. You may need more Heroes that can recover HP to survive. It also has very high PDEF, so bring your Heroes with skills that deal Magic DMG to tackle this one!

Hero Lineups[]

Level Free Heroes Paid Heroes
1 - 3 Incinerator, Elementalist, Sage of Storms, Bombin' Goblin, Snow Queen Incinerator, Elementalist, Petite Devil, Dream Witch, Bombin' Goblin
4 Child of Light, Incinerator, Elementalist, Snow Queen, Prima Donna Child of Light, Incinerator, Elementalist, Petite Devil, Dream Witch
5 Child of Light, Lore Weaver, Elementalist, Petite Devil, Dream Witch


Monster Lv Material and Chest Grade
1 Common 60m 8h 200 15K
2 Uncommon 3h 8h 400 50K
3 Rare 8h 24h 600 50K
4 Epic 15h 24h 800 200K
5 Legendary 24h 3d 1,000 600K


Used to craft: Gargantua Set

  • Gargantua Jewel
  • Gargantuan Eye
  • Gargantuan Fang
  • Gargantuan Locks
  • Iron Bolts
  • Tattooed Skin


Normal Monsters Arctic FlipperBlackwingBon AppetiCottageroarFrostwingGargantuaGawrillaGrim ReaperGryphonHardroxHell DriderHootclawJade WyrmMecha TrojanMega MaggotNecrosisNocerosQueen BeeSaberfangSerpent GladiatorSnow BeastTerrorthornTidal TitanVoodoo Shaman
Guild Event Monsters Arctic FlipperGoal BanditHoarderHuey HopsPumpkinator
One Hit Monsters AnimareBouldurEvil WeevilGemming GremlinGoblinKrabbyTinythornTotempestTrickstarTroubledoughUndead Ogre
Multiple Hit Monsters Bon ViveurPhantom KnightSerpent Vizier